Thursday, January 26, 2012

Summer Plans

Yes, I know it's still January, but thinking about what you could be doing this summer, God-willing, is important already because depending on what God may be calling you to do, there may be an application deadline that you will need to consider.  If at all possible I highly encourage you to do some kind of mission work at least one summer during your college career - experiences like this are often life-changing and can have long ranging effects in your life for the better.  So to get you thinking about whether God may be calling you to some kind of mission work this summer or even another time in your life, here is just a small sampling of possibilities along with information from their websites:

Net Ministries: "NET Ministries challenges young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church. Every August, 120 young Catholics aged 18-28 leave behind their jobs, school, family, and friends to devote nine months to serving with the National Evangelization teams. Divided into 11 teams, they travel across the U.S. for nine months to share the Gospel with young people and their families."

Crossroads:  "Each summer, young adults walk on four simultaneous pro-life walks across America from Seattle, San Francisco, San Jose and Los Angeles to Washington, D.C.. Walking over 12,000 miles and through 40 states, these young people hope to convert the hearts and minds of others – at the grass-roots level – by witnessing to the dignity and sanctity of all human life, from the moment of conception to natural death."

Missionaries of the Eucharist:  Every summer we, the Missionaries of the Eucahrist, are walking from Lewiston, Maine to Washington, DC to proclaim the beauty of the Catholic faith to everyone we meet, specifically through the Theology of the Body.

Young Disciples:  The Young Disciples are an apostolate of Cahtolic young adults that travel from town to town to evangelize and catechize in rural communitites and reservations.  For 10 weeks in the summer, the Young Disciple Teams conduct week long day camps for grades K-6 and evening teen missions for rural parishes and reservations.

Catholic Urban Project:  Catholic Urban Project is a summer service program that invites young adults to spend 8 weeks in direct service to the urban poor.  Young adult missionaries live together in community and are given the opportunity to deepend their lives of faith through an intentional prayer life and living the Gospel call to service.

Totus Tuus:  Totus Tuus is a Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through catechesis, evangelization, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship

Family Missions Company:  Our mission trips are centered around evangelization and service. We go out to share the Good News with people through witness and testimonies. On our trips, families and individuals are engaged in Christian service, through work projects, visiting shut-ins, and other forms of outreach.

Camp Wojtyla:  Camp Wojtyla is a Catholic summer camp nestled in the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

FOCUS Missions

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