Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Leap of Faith

My favorite line: 'well, here goes...something...I guess."

We all have moments just like this little girl - where we stand at the top of a metaphorical ski jump.  Standing at the top we look out and see the steepness and think of the speed and the possible consequences - all the 'what ifs' start floating through our minds - 'what if...I get hurt', 'what if...I fail', 'what if...something goes wrong', 'what if...I make the wrong decision', etc.

But what if...we try a different perspective:  'what if...something beautiful comes of it', 'what makes me happy', 'what if...I trust that God will lead me', 'what's the best experience of my life', 'what's the best decision for me right now', 'what if...this will help me become a saint'. 

God will at some time in your life, usually multiple times actually, ask you to take a leap of faith.  The question is will you jump or let fear overcome you?  Probably the most inspiring part of this video is that the girl is nervous and a little afraid at the top, but she has the resolve and courage to go for it.  What she experiences is a great analogy of the spiritual life: we're presented with an opportunity to trust God; we have the desire to follow his will, but we're afraid because we don't know how it's going to turn out; we have to remind ourselves that God is faithful and with him we can do all things ('I'll be fine', 'you can do this'); we have to engage our free will to follow him ('I'll do it', 'I'm gonna jump'); we pray and seek intercession, listening to the encouragement and witness of the saints (listen closely in the background and you hear adults who've made the jump before say things to her like 'you got it', 'you'll be fine', 'the longer you wait, you'll be more scared', and other comments telling her what it will be like and that it will be ok); finally you're given the grace of the Holy Spirit to conquer your natural fear with the supernatural gift of fortitude and you make the jump ('Here...I...go').  Then you land and you notice your fear has given way to joy and with hands in the air you hear yourself, 'Yeah!', ''s so fun!', 'Whooooo!'. 

John Paul II, who was an avid skier, was presented with many opportunities to jump or let fear overcome him, both physically and spiritually. By the grace of God, he jumped.  Perhaps this is why he was such an advocate of encouraging youth to be involved with sports: learning to make physical jumps on skis and spiritual jumps in the heart are connected. "Do not be afraid.  Do not settle for mediocrity.  Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." ~ Bl. John Paul II

Having trust and taking a leap in the direction God calls you isn't always easy, but it is always an adventure full of joy and reward.  God knows what you need and what is best for you.  Don't let a fear of the unknown stop you from following his will for you.  Just remember God knows even when you don't and his love is greater than any fear.

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