Friday, April 27, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday

So we're gonna start joining in the fun with Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary for 7 Quick Takes Friday in which we'll give a list of 7 things each Friday to either ponder, laugh with, learn about, rejoice in, etc. - it will be quite random and fun - sort of habnab (which is a word I learned this week meaning "at random, by chance, without order or rule" - I've been using it all week - it's great - you can sound really smart or really dumb because the word does sound weird and fake, but that's part of the fun - I promise it's a real word though).  So back to the 7 Quick Takes:

1.  There are so many reasons to love being Catholic:  here is one.  It's hilarious.  Seriously just click the link.

2.  If you have plans for Monday night from 7:30pm-8:30pm cancel them - your new plan is to bask in the glory of awesome music through the God-given talent of Kevin Heider.  It's free.  It's on the Terraces across the street from CCM.  It's pure fantasticness.  Why would you miss this?  You're not going to miss it, so why would I ask that anyway?  Exactly.

3.  Bishops calling on all Catholics to pray for religious freedom:
The bishops called for “A Fortnight for Freedom,” the two-week period from June 21 to July 4—beginning with the feasts of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher and ending with Independence Day—to focus “all the energies the Catholic community can muster” for religious liberty. They also asked that, later in the year, the feast of Christ the King be “a day specifically employed by bishops and priests to preach about religious liberty, both here and abroad.”
4.  Check out this post from Marcel about Starbucks and its advocacy for same-sex marriage.

5  Guys, women want a 'crucifixion type love':

6.  Religious are cool.  Especially this one: Sr. Catherine Holum who went from being an Olympic speed skater to a religious sister.  Cool.
7.  Seminarians are cool too. Here are some seminarians from the Diocese of Layfayette-in-Indiana on their way to Destination Jesus which is a teen retreat in that diocese:

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